

Information Technology Job 2021

 information technology degree
worth it that's what we're going to be
talking about today but before we get
into that make sure to
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on this channel we talk about personal
finance college degrees careers and
opportunities that are going to lead you
to success information technology jobs
and we also go over some of the common
traps that information technology salary
so many people fall for now if you're
new here and that sounds like something
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and with that out of the way let's jump
right into it is an information
technology degree worth it now
information technology is basically the
maintenance of hardware and software
systems that are used to communicate
information electronically so these are
the people that would be installing
software and all the computers within a
hospital or a business
they would also be conducting trainings
making sure that everybody knows how to
use the software information technology definition
they'd also be replacing and upgrading
old computers when their hardware isn't
good anymore they'd be doing all kinds
of troubleshooting dealing with bugs
glitches in the system
and there's all kinds of different
career paths you can go down with this
one you can become an i.t
manager you can become an i.t specialist
you could go into the programming route
and become a computer programmer
now about  people graduate with a
bachelor's degree in information
technology every year
however this is a little bit misleading
just because of the fact that there's a
lot of i.t information technology degree
related careers you can get into without
a bachelor level degree
there's also a lot of certifications
that you can get so that you're
specialized in certain areas of it
so it's definitely not cut and dry but
just to keep things simple in this video
i'm mostly going to talk about getting a
bachelor level degree in i.t and the
careers that that would lead to
so with an information technology degree
you could expect to make around
 a year starting out and mid-career
pay would be around
now that's pretty good overall but
it's honestly a little bit on the lower
side when you compare it to a lot of the
other technology related careers now
careers related
to information technology in general
make around information technology specialist
a year according to bls which is about
twice as much as the average of all
occupations which is
 a year one career path you could go
down is becoming a network and computer
systems administrator and they make
 a year and that's just with a
bachelor level degree
another career path you could go down is
becoming an information security analyst
and they make around
 a year and that's with a bachelor
level degree as well
although you'll likely need a little bit
more work experience now there are a ton
of other career paths you can go down
especially in the technology industry
for instance you see it graduates
becoming computer programmers
and most of these careers are relatively
high paying although i will say that it
tends to pay a little bit less than a
lot of the other technology related
careers information technology careers
next we're going to talk about
satisfaction and i have to admit this is
extremely subjective
what one person might absolutely love as
a career another person might hate
so this is extremely subjective but i
try to do my best to break this down in
such a way where it makes sense
now when it comes to satisfaction i like
to talk about two different areas which
is job satisfaction and that's basically
how much you enjoy doing the job itself
that this degree would lead to
and then the other area is meaning and
that is how much you think your career
is information technology jobs near me
positively impacting the world so when
it comes to meaning
technology related careers and degrees
tend to be pretty average sometimes
slightly below average
so for instance information technolog 
has about a 
meaning score which basically means that
 of the people think that their job
significantly positively impacts the
world and when you look at one career
path you could go down like network
system analyst
they have a job satisfaction score of 
which means percent of people are
satisfied with their career
that is above average and a lot of the
technology related careers do
tend to be above average when it comes
to job satisfaction now another thing 
like to talk about when it comes to
happiness or satisfaction with your 
career is how flexible it is and by this i mean let's say that you plan on being a database administrator
and then a few years into your job you
think it's really boring and you want to 
careers how easy would it be for you to
switch careers into something that also
pays really well but would be better for 
now one common problem that you see with
technology related degrees is that
they're a little bit too specific so for
instance there's technology-related
degrees that are like 
printing technology now printing
technology is extremely specific you're
learning something that's very
niche and it's important in that field
but outside of that field you might not 
be able to
translate the skills that you learned
information technology

information technology high school
tends to be a little bit more general
which is a good thing
this means that there's a lot of
different career paths that you can go
down with an information technology
degree now in order to head your bets it
would probably be a good idea for you to
learn some computer programming on the 
it's also not a bad idea to learn some
business related skills as well so that
you can help the businesses that you
work for but overall i would go ahead 
and rank this one out of for satisfaction so next on  
the list we're going to be talking about
demand and in my opinion this is 
the most important out of the four
categories now bls shows that technology
related careers over the next 10 years
are gonna grow at about 11
this is two to three times as much as
the average career and so that's really
good this means that there would be
about half a million new jobs
530 000 or so over the next 10 years
so for instance a network and computer
systems administrator
has about 373 000 jobs available right 
it's growing at 4 which is average and 
that means over the next 10
years there's going to be 16 000 new
information technology associate
jobs created when it comes to an
information security analyst there's 131
000 jobs available right now
it's growing at a ridiculous 31
which is much much faster than average
meaning over the next 10 years there's
going to be 40 000 new jobs created now
these are great numbers overall
and you see that technology related
degrees in general tend to have a lot of
so for instance when you type in
information technology degree into
you see that 169 000 jobs have that
listed as a keyword
in the job listing whereas if you type
in archaeology degree
only 409 jobs have that keyword listed
combine this with the fact that
it is a relatively general degree it's
super specific which is one of the
weaknesses of a lot of the technology
related degrees
and that means this one has a ton of
demand it's very very good when it comes
to demand i'm going to go ahead and give
this one a 9.5 out of 10. now next on
the list we're going to be talking about
x factors and this is another one that's
extremely subjective and there's a ton
of different things that go into this
so one thing that people always ask when
it comes to x factors is
automation is this career going to be
automated are the skills that you're
learning going to be automated as well
well when it comes to a network and
computer systems administrator
will robotstakemyjob.com thinks that
there's only about a three percent
chance that it's going to be automated i
tend to agree with this a lot of
technology related careers probably will
not be automated
on top of this it would be very hard to
outsource an information technology
career as well
a lot of the time these people have to
be basically in the business itself they
need to be present in the business
in order to carry out a lot of the
things such as installations or you know
setting up computers
a lot of the time they'll be in offices
communicating with people when a bug
pops up or some kind of troubleshooting
needs to be done so there's pretty much
no way that this one is going to be
automated and there's a very small
chance this is going to be outsourced
also with an it degree you can get hired
by just about any business out there in
any industry and so it's extremely
flexible and you can get hired by tons
of different people
there's a very good chance that you'll
be working in the technology industry
which is one of the best industries out
there there's tons of opportunity
there's tons of growth within the
technology industry
and so you will have a lot of
opportunity for advancement
your job will likely not be automated in
fact you might be the one automating
other people's jobs
on top of that i think it would be
relatively easy for somebody who has it
skills to transition into other careers
where the pay is even better so for
instance you could transition into
becoming a software developer
you could move up into higher positions
within a company or you could even go
off and start your own business within
the industry after you've gotten some
experience under your belt
technology related skills in general are
very highly valued as well
ziprecruiter did an index where they
basically kind of figured out all the
skills that tend to
lead to high paying jobs and information
technology as a skill was one of the
highest paying skills it ended up with a
score of 84 out of a hundred that was
one of the highest on the list and so
that just goes to show information
technology as a skill is
extremely valuable so overall i would
rate this a 9 out of 10 when it comes to
x factors

so when it comes to the pros for this
degree um it's going to lead to a very
flexible career path so let's say you go
into the technology industry there's a
bunch of different career paths you can
you're not just stuck in one single
career path which would kind of be bad
if you decided for some reason that you
didn't like being an i.t
guy on top of that you're going to be
learning extremely valuable skills we
are in the age of automation
technology is huge right now getting
good at technology learning technology
related skills is basically the best
you can possibly do you can also work in
just about any business out there or any
industry this means that you likely
won't have to move anywhere in order to
get your first job you'll probably be
able to find a job wherever you want to
cons here is the pay is going to be kind
of mediocre when it comes to a lot of
the technology related careers it's
still pretty good but overall it's kind
of mediocre the meaning here is also
going to be relatively low it's not the
you're probably not going to wake up
every morning thinking oh my gosh i
can't wait to go
you know fix bugs and troubleshoot and
install software
and it's a good degree but when compared
to some of the other technology related
degrees it's not the best so overall i'm
gonna give this one
a score of 8.625 out of 10. that is
really good
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